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Raising Your Level of
Consciousness Higher

Understand and shift your level of consciousness and you will attract a new, higher level of living.

Shifting consciousness is not easy

It takes a concerted effort to shift through even a few major life paradigms. That is why we have created the consciousness journey website. To help you develop your mind and heart with new perspectives and tools to experience more and manifest what you desire. We have created multiple approaches to support you in moving through consciousness - hopefully in a few ways that deeply resonate and work for you.

Do not be fooled!

Learning new knowledge, moving around emotional energy and creating new disciplines most often do not necessarily lead to shifting your level of consciousness.

But first - understand consciousness!

When you understand consciousness, you will understand how life works. So we have attempted in many ways with metaphors, quotes, questions. progressions, laws, traps and even with humor and fun to progressively expand your grasp of consciousness.

Your consciousness level relates directly to who you are and your view of the world. And the bottom line is to change the results you want in your life, your consciousness must change.

What does it take to shift consciousness?

To change our inner being and deep seated belief systems takes an ongoing tension of higher truths and concepts that create little shifts that eventually creates a larger consciousness shift that affects most areas of your life.

We offer multiple consciousness journeys that contain hundreds of creative resources, tools, tips, traps, teasers, truths, transformers and treasures. Integrate them into your life. Shift your belief systems. Watch your life change (for the better). Share them with others.

These resources are short, creative, concise, impactful and transformative. They are designed to stick in your mind and easily be shared with others. They are meant to anchor increasingly bigger pictures of who you are and what you want to attract. Simpler is clearer. Shorter is longer impacting.

Our consciousness journey series typically cover 3 different levels of your commitment, awareness, self knowledge and intentions.

Sign up for access to all the consciousness journey email series and have them emailed to you one at a time so you have a continuity of progressively expanding perspectives as you traverse the consciousness journey. On completion of the consciousness journey you will receive a full list of material for that journey. We recommend you receive only a few journeys at one time to optimize your integration.

Our approach is simple!

In a gentle and light way you will receive short, inspirational daily emails that connect more deeply with your heart, mind and higher consciousness and over time you will create little and then significant shifts. Enjoy your journey.

Consciousness Journeys available now
 Stretch yourself to the next level

  1. 2 step journeys - We say it in 30 unique catchy ways so many will resonate with you and help you own the in and out steps of life - the experiencing of consciousness (awareness, sensing) and raising of consciousness (anchoring, internalizing, manifesting, attraction)
  2. 3 levels to almost everything - Identify the level of consciousness you experience from 30 catchy 3 word mini-journeys. Identify the level you were at, are predominantly at now, and aspire to.
  3. Meaningful Models of Consciousness - All is connected and related. Allow your higher mind to make inner connections. Higher connections create higher consciousness. The consciousness path is well defined as you will see through these common models of consciousness such as Chakras, Zodiac, Maslov's pyramid, Tree of Life and ....
  4. ABC's to XYZ's - A fun way to identify pains, potentials and processes on your life path. The 26 alphabet letters cover most pains, potentials and processes. See which ones resonate most strongly with you.

    Consciousness Journeys coming soon
    to Higher Awareness
     Open new doors in all areas of your life 

  5. The one line consciousness journey tips - KISS - Keep is Simple and Short. Travel this concise journey through consciousness. From 50 years synthesizing hundreds of personal growth courses and self development books, we have identified these key growth cornerstones. Using rhymes, alliteration, acronyms and twists, these powerful insightful sayings will stick in your mind and help shift your consciousness.
  6. Metaphors and stories of consciousness - A picture is worth a thousand words. A story is worth a thousand pictures. Metaphors and stories bypass our limited prejudiced thinking.
  7. Consciousness Questions Journey - Open new doors. Answers are always there. Just ask the right questions at the right level and trust your listening.
  8. Humor Journey - Step back and laugh at how little and silly we can be as you journey through levels of consciousness.
  9. Consciousness Synonyms - consciousness is hard to understand, so we have identified the closest meaning words to help you give meaning to your journey
  10. Consciousness Quote Journey - We have selected our top 100 quotes that will take you through your consciousness journey. These words of wisdom are hand selected and grouped as transformative and empowering quotes for all parts of your journey.
  11. Life principles and natural laws Journey - Anchor these powerful principles and universal laws and build progressive, positive life changing beliefs that match your level of consciousness.
  12. Traps on the Consciousness Journey - Some of us learn not by aspiration, but by overcoming the traps and challenges of life. Be aware of the traps before they sneak up on you. 80% of healing is just knowing what to work on. And most of our life’s journey is healing and overcoming these traps.
  13. Consciousness Progressions - Clearly see where you have been, where you are at, and where you are going. See how to progress from one extreme to the other extreme on any of these 20 signs of consciousness growth.
  14. 50 Journaling Tools for shifting consciousness - from left to right brain, find the right tools for increased clarity, creativity, compassion and connection.
  15. ... and we are always creating more memorable ways to create consciousness shifts that lead to a new level of living.

We are adding at least one new journey each month.

Ready to go to a new level of learning, meaning, and purpose in your life?


These consciousness development programs are now available on Higher Awareness.

Start raising your consciousness today and get access to all of our Consciousness Journeys.

P.S. Not sure yet - Read our articles on what is consciousness, and levels of consciousness. Do not be trapped by being unaware of the abundance of life available to you and the traps that keep you in old, limiting levels of consciousness.

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Copyright © 2009 - All Rights Reserved Consciousness Journey

Sherwood Park, AB, Canada

Email: John Robson

Raising Your Consciousness to Higher Levels