Consciousness Journey in 2 Steps
Balance how you experience and manifest life
Consciousness is in everything
and includes all possible perceptions of anything - past and potentials. We work
with consciousness in life in 2
main ways:
experiencing it through awareness, and
manifesting it through will and intention.
These 2 stages form a dance of
life - of being touched by life and touching back or responding to life.
If we're not really happy with
our lives, we need only pay close attention to our experiences and to how and
what we are manifesting so we can make the changes we desire.
How do you do life? Are you more of an observer taking life in? Or are
you more of a creative manifestor that attempts to create consciousness? Hopefully there is
some balance. That is what these 24 emails are about - to remind you in
different ways of these 2 stages and to balance the experiencing and the
creating of life.
We offer consistent, short,
reflective reminders that create little shifts that
gradually create a bigger, life changing effect.
Be inspired daily with new and expansive perspectives.
Receive daily in your email inbox 24 simple, memorable,
high impact
2 step journeys that progressively describe at higher levels how we may do life
from different perspectives. To get the most out of these inspiring emails, use our 2 step journey form
daily and write down any insights on experiencing and creating insights that resonate with you.
Here's a sampling of 3 of the 2 step Consciousness Journey email series:
- Experience and Express - Be here now to deeply experience what Life
is bringing to you, moment by moment. What messages are being delivered?
Choose a higher path and share it!
- Realize and internalize (or visualize) - Seek the truth and deeper
meaning of any event or encounter, then anchor it deeply within - physically,
emotionally and mentally - with whatever rituals or processes (like
visualization) work best for you.
- Discern and learn - Discern the higher meaning of every aspect of
life. Accept and trust that all unfolds according to a higher wisdom. Learn
from it and make it a new part of you.
There are 21 more unique, inspiring 2 step journeys. Receive them and all
other Consciousness Journey programs.
This program is available at my other site,
Higher Awareness under higher consciousness resources.