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'3  Consciousness Levels'

Be clear about where you stand in the bigger picture

As we grow through life we move through 3 key stages of consciousness:

  1. coping through our fears, powerlessness and reactions because we lack self-knowledge and choices.
  2. learning to be more self-aware, conscious, supportive. Choosing and internalizing what we want.
  3. trusting our intuition and creatively expressing our wisdom, power and love.

Receive 24 thought provoking descriptions of the 3 levels of consciousness described from different perspectives. Find the ones that resonate with you and ANCHOR them in your mind so they expand your experience of life.

Have these 3 levels emailed to you daily so you gradually, gently and consistently shift, expand and integrate these growth paths from many perspectives.

To use these 3 levels of consciousness effectively, reflect on your experience within the context of the bigger picture. Wherever you are, accept your situation without judgment, then choose a new perspective that brings more meaning and peace.

Once you receive the emails series over the next month you will also receive a printable copy of all of these 3 sages of consciousness journeys.

Consistent, short, expanding reminders can accumulate little shifts that gradually create a bigger, life changing effect. Be inspired daily with new and expansive perspectives.

Here is a sampling of 3 of 24 'Levels of Consciousness Journey' emails

Resolve and heal the past  - Evolve and create the future

Conceal -> Reveal -> Heal - Hidden subconscious beliefs and repressed reactive emotions, rule our lives. As we become aware of these limiting beliefs and emotions, we can consciously choose new directions. Each time we focus our attention on a belief that supports us or on putting more love back into our past, we heal and empower ourselves.

Instinct -> Intellect -> Intuition - In our youth we are unconsciously protected and guided by our instincts. Then we grow intellectually as we consciously participate in our world. Over time we learn to trust ourselves and life. When we open to our intuition, we release our need to control and surrender to higher guidance.

Life does us -> We do life -> We are life - Life can seem disorderly, unpredictable and challenging until we learn skills and perspectives to manage and control life. Then we are ready to trust, open up and let go of control so the divine mystery of life can express through us.

There are 18 more unique, inspiring 3 levels of consciousness journeys.

This program is available at my other site, Higher Awareness under higher consciousness resources.

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Sherwood Park, AB, Canada

Email: John Robson

Raising Your Consciousness to Higher Levels